Macro Ops Podcast: Macro Ops Monthly Intelligence Report, Dollar, Tesla and Birds with Alex Barrow

Chris sits down and chats with Macro-Ops Co-Founder Alex Barrow. This one goes deep! If you are looking for an abridged version of the Monthly Intelligence Report, this isn’t it. If you want to download Alex’s views on the markets into your brain operating group, this is the episode for you. The Monthly Intelligence Report is a paid monthly product you can learn much more about here.Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAnchor.fmOvercastStitcherPocket CastsBreakerWe spend over two hours talking about:Adam Robinson’s interview on the Knowledge Project Podcast, part 1 and part 2.We cover the copper to gold ratio and how the credit market leads equities. Tesla shorts. Why everyone is bearish the dollar? How do we play that?Gold leading the dollar, platinum leading gold and what price levels are important there. Global recession outside of the US. Chris’s labored retail store as trading analogy, losses are operating costs. Building better systems, better mental models and stepping away. Alex's history as a sniper in the United States Marine Corps, and how that transfers over directly to trading. Alex's thoughts on managing his book, risk exposure, mistakes and waiting for the things that are obvious to find high expectancy positions. He talks about capitalizing on the one to two big macro opportunities in a given year. The C-O-N-spiracy brokers have about getting successful people to think trading is easy and they should open accounts only to find the WORST User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) platforms to trade on. Alex touches on his new micro idea, ROAD (Construction Partners) on an IPO from 2018.Alex comments on how US Equity Household allocation is near all time highs. And finally a short convo about birds!Enjoy.


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