Episode 8 - Andrew Kingston & Shawn Shewchuk: Special Situations, Technical Analysis and Hockey

Thanks for tuning into Episode 7 of the Value Hive Podcast. If you like what we're doing, drop us a rating and review on your favorite podcast platform. It goes a long way.While you're at it, make sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter. We deliver curated, value investing news straight to your inbox. For free. Forever. You can subscribe here!On today's episode I chat with Andrew Kingston and Shawn Shewchuk. Andrew and Shawn are portfolio managers for Gavin Croup, CA. Gavin Group is a unique investment services business. They pride themselves on being Hockey Wealth Specialists and provide three main services: investment management, cash flow management and tax minimization.Andrew and Shawn manage investment portfolios for the firm. Their backgrounds are unique. Andrew graduated with a biochemistry degree, and Shawn ended college a chemical engineer. Yet both found their way to the investment world.Listen in as we chat about spin-offs, special situations, owner operators, and more. We find out what they think makes a great business, how they allocate each position, as well as incorporating technicals into the investment process.You can find Andrew on Twitter @a_j_kingston and Shawn @shawn_shewchukIf you want more information on Gavin Group, check out their website here.


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