Episode 23: Managing Through A Crisis w/ Bill Brewster, SCG Capital

Today's guest is Bill Brewster. Bill is the founder and portfolio manager of Sullimar Capital Group.I'm excited to share our conversation as Bill's quickly becoming one of my favorite investment thinkers. I found him on Twitter, and after following his tweets and blog, I reached out asking him to come on the show.During the conversation, we talk baseball, Charlie Munger, airlines and travel and everything in between.Here's the timeline:

  • [0:00 - 6:00] Who is Bill Brewster?
  • [7:00 - 10:00] How Bill's Investment Style Has Changed
  • [11:00 - 19:00] Thinking About CEO Pay
  • [20:00 - 27:00] The Power of Surviving
  • [28:00 - 37:00] Lessons From Bill's Mistakes
  • [38:00 - 44:00] RH & Bill's Investment Process
  • [46:00 - 55:00] How Bill Thinks About Valuation
  • [56:00 - 60:00] Capital Accounts Blog Post
  • [61:00 - 72:00] Incremental Free Cash Flow & Industry Analysis
  • [73:00 - End] Airline Industries & What Bill Would Tell Young Investors

Make sure you follow Bill on Twitter. His handle is @BillBrewsterSCGYou can also follow his blog at https://sullimarcapital.group/


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