Episode 13: Deep Value Investing in LA Real Estate, Moses Kagan of AdaptiveRealty.com

I had the privilege to chat with Moses Kagan, founder of Adaptive Realty. I call Moses a Deep Value Investor in LA Real Estate because that's exactly what he does.Moses finds beaten-down, ugly, overlooked buildings in Los Angeles, CA. He buys them, does a complete gut and renovation, and rents them out at attractive rates of return for his investors.While not an investor in public equities, Moses' analysis of cash flows, determination to find great deals, and knowledge of the power of relationships applies to any investment field.During the podcast we dive into the following topics:

  • Who is Moses Kagan? [0:00 - 6:00]
  • Why Moses Hated Working For Someone Else [16:00]
  • Why Moses Chose Real Estate [28:00]
  • Moses' First Few Deals [35:00]
  • The Power of Long-Term Relationships [60:00]
  • How To Quickly Value an Apartment Building [85:00]

If you want to learn more about Moses, check out these links:

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