Episode 12: Building A Great Product w/ Robert Koyfman, Founder of Koyfin.com

Rob Koyfman is the founder and CEO of Koyfin.com. Rob has a tremendous background in the world of finance, investment and trading. He's a CFA Charterholder and former Goldman Sachs VP.In 2015 Rob left the corporate world to start Koyfin.com. A one man operation. Rob grew Koyfin into a fast-growing financial analysis website. Rob's vision for Koyfin is simple. He wants to provide better analytics for investors.During the podcast we chat about the following:First 15 minutes ...

  • Rob's background and experience at Goldman Sachs
  • What Rob learned while working for PMs and CIOs

15 minute - 30 minute mark ...

  • Why Rob started Koyfin
  • The importance of clean UI

30 minute - 1 hour mark ...

  • Future Aspirations of Koyfin
  • Why Rob is passionate about good looking charts

and more!If you want more info on Koyfin, check out their website: www.koyfin.comYou can also follow Rob on twitter @KoyfinCharts or email him at rob@koyfin.com.If you like what we're doing, please take the time to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It helps spread the word about the show, and helps us keep great guests on the platform. You can find the link here.


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