Brexit, Yellow Jackets, Venezuela and Global Threats with Ben Hockman

This week on the podcast Chris speaks with Ben Hockman. Ben is part of an incident response team for one of the largest financial institutions in the world. This team has a heavy focus on cybersecurity, intelligence, terrorism and physical security with active operations in Latin America, the Colombia/Venezuela border, Mexico and Europe. Additionally Ben is a British citizen who currently resides in France, so he has first hand concerns about the upcoming March 29th BREXIT deadline and what that might mean for him and his family. Links to the episode are below:AppleGoogle PodcastsSpotifyOvercastAnchor.fmStitcherPocket CastsBreakerRadio PublicThe convo starts off centered around the Yellow Jackets in France, the global rise in populism and how Ben sees BREXIT hurting businesses around the world.It then moves on to South America, the Venezuelan conflict and what that looks like, not only in Venezuela but across the Americas. It’s a situation right on the edge of all out war. Ben discusses how FARC and ELN (The Colombian Narco-Terrorist Organizations) are currently interacting with the Maduro regime. This was a wide ranging discussion and for those who don’t get a chance to think about business related cyber threats, financial threats, and operational threats need to have a listen and do some thinking about how the current issues will impact markets.Ben is a fantastic contact to have, you can reach out to him at or on LinkedIn.As always if you have any thoughts for Chris you can find him TwitterInstagramAlso, be sure to subscribe to the podcast and if you like what we are doing give us a review!


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