China Tech Sell-off Explained: Twitter Spaces Feat. Rui Ma

This week we’re releasing the recording of a Twitter Spaces I hosted on Tuesday (07/27). Topic: China Tech Sell-Off Co-hosts: Rui Ma (@ruima), Jessica Ablamsky (@jablamsky), BuyandHold (@BuyandHoldd), and Mayhem For Markets (@Mayhem4Markets) This was a fantastic discussion on all things Chinese investing from VIEs to venture capital flows, and even a few stock pitches. […]
So Bad, It’s Good?

There are two competing truths in this market right now: Trend Fragility: Retail and fund managers are at or near multi-year highs in levels of risk-taking. Breadth vs price divergences is at historical extremes. Growth Expectations Rerating: Consensus growth expectations remain too bearish. This low hurdle creates a constant upward revising of expectations (positive surprises), […]