Shippers - Bottom Fishing With Alex Barrow

Today I speak with Alex Barrow, founder of Macro Ops and our resident bird fan, or as he prefers ornithologist. Anywhoooo- Alex has shippers on his mind. You can read more about his thoughts in his most recent research report here.If you’ve listened to Alex and I speak before, you know that we tend to go a lot longer in our conversations. Not the case today, sorry!This one is only about 40 minutes long. Trust me when I say, that is a quick one for us!Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotifyAnchorStitcherPocket CastsBreakerOvercastRadio PublicIf you aren’t already subscribed to our email list, head on over to Macro Ops to sign up. We provide a ton of free research every few days. We make your inbox a happy place!Also don’t forget to follow Alex on Twitter @MacroOps.


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