The Heads Up Display (HUD) is our evolving suite of analytical tools we use to separate wheat from chaff, signal from noise, and needles from haystacks… empowering us to make quantitatively supported, positive expected value bets.

To access the tools our team uses to analyze the market through the HUD, simply click on the button “Launch HUD” to open it. Once you click the button, a new window will appear with a login box. Enter the following username and password to log in.

Note: This username and password is not the same as your Collective login. It cannot be changed by the user.

Username: collective

Password: livermore 

The following guides will show you how to use the individual HUD tabs. Each tab will help you analyze a different aspect of global markets.

These guides focus on the actionable steps needed to use these indicators in a trading process. There’s a lot of research and theory backing these tools, but we’ll cover that separately.

Please note that we will continue to add more guides to this section as we complete them.