Welcome To Macro Ops

Alex here.Our team has 3 primary directives:

  1. Assist you in reaping profits from global markets
  2. Train you in the art of market speculation
  3. Provide you with a solid community of diehard traders and investors

Directive #1: Assist You In Profiting From Global Markets

We’re global macro traders. That means we go anywhere and trade anything. Stocks, futures, bonds, currencies, foreign, domestic… it doesn’t matter. If there’s positive asymmetry, we’re there. The goal is outsized profits for you and the rest of our team.You can check out our latest market research here.

Directive #2: Train You In The Art Of Market Speculation

We want to teach you everything we know about markets.Our Investment Handbook is a good place to start. It covers our entire trading strategy from start to finish. Follow the link below and enter your email to get it delivered straight to your inbox.Click Here Get Access To The Macro Ops Handbook!You can review the rest of our training materials here. And for more in-depth free reports like our Handbook, head over to this page.

Directive #3: Provide You With A Solid Community

The Macro Ops community is filled with diverse traders from around the world, all sharing investment ideas, trade theory, and boots-on-the-ground research. The bigger this network grows, the more we all learn and profit. To join our community and become an Operator, sign up below. We’ll also send you our Friday Macro Musings every week — a quick bulleted email of interesting market thoughts, charts, and articles we’ve come across in our research.

 If you have more questions about who we are and what we do at Macro Ops, be sure to visit our F.A.Q. page here.Finally, don’t hesitate to shoot me a note at alex@macro-ops.com if you need anything else.Welcome to Macro Ops.

Alex Barrow

Founder & MO Team Lead, CIO at Foundation Capital, macro junky, former Intelligence professional at FBI, DIA, and DOD, USMC Scout Sniper turned yogi/meditator.


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